Our Commitment to Diversity

Prior to our committing to the action plan we were aware of and engaging with organisations who place under represented talent on set. However, since signing up to the plan our approach has taken on a far more diligent quality which has allowed us to be accountable and transparent in how we are engaging crew and hiring within our company. 

Some of the steps we have actively taken:

  • Created a Diversity & Inclusion Policy which can be viewed here.
  • Allocate DE&I responsibility to our Founders/EPs who ensure our position is communicated to production producers
  • Set up an equality monitoring process in the pre-production process
  • Focus targets to those suggested by BECTU - as a London based company, our local population is over 40% ethnic minority (18.4% Asian/British Asian, 13.3% Black/African/Caribbean/Black British)
  • Monitoring results

Since adopting the processes outlined above we have seen an increase in diversity on our productions. However, we are still not where we want to be and the learnings so far are the importance of a dedicated person ensuring the above is followed at each point in the process.

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